Tminus 10 days-
Despite saying that I am looking ahead, don’t believe that I’m taking my eye off the Faire’s Fair ball. Think more like I’m one of those chameleons with the eyes rotate in different directions.

Okay. That’s creepy. Hahahaha.
I’m moving full speed ahead with marketing Faire’s Fair ahead of release day- getting ads ready to go on multiple platforms, hiring a few folks to shill my book, friending bookstagrammers and book bloggers up the wazoo, plus finding folks to agree to read and review my book in the coming weeks. Whew!
But I’m also hard at work on book #2, Fair Play, Janet and Robert’s story. In fact, I’m on Chapter FIVE and if it’s around the same length of Faire’s Fair, I’m about 30% done with my first draft. So, if I can extrapolate out, I started writing book #2 at the end of March, so I’m aiming for draft #1 to be complete by mid-summer and aiming for an early fall release. And, I’ve already outlined about half of book #3, Fair Chance, Melissa and yet to be named romantic partner. Pretty soon I’ll move into updating everyone on my writing progress. Maybe after 5/25.
If you didn’t know, you can read a part of chapter one of Fair Play already on this website on the books tab and at the end of Faire’s Fair you will get a chance to read chapter one of Fair Play in it’s entirety. How about a quick glimpse of a later scene from Fair Play?
CHAPTER FIVE, sneak peek
“Take care and call me if anything new pops up before next week.” Kathryn said.
“I will. And give Ian a pinch on that fine ass of his for me.” Janet teased.
“Not hardly.”
“Who’s fine ass?” Robert’s voice came from over the cubicle wall and Janet popped up like the proverbial groundhog.
“Were you eavesdropping?”
“No, I just heard about a fine ass.”
“Maybe I was talking about a donkey.”
“You wouldn’t know a donkey from a mule.”
“True, but I know a fine ass when I see one,” she gathered her things to take home. “I was talking to Kathryn about Ian.”
“And you know he has a fine ass?”
“I’m not blind Robert. I’ve seen better though,” she glanced up at him through her lashes and bit her lip suggestively.
“Don’t look at me like that Jannie. I’ve come to see if you’d like a ride home. Just a ride mind you, I’ve got work to do and can’t run ya all over the city tonight.”
“Well I’m glad you clarified what kind of ride you were talking about,” she bent over to get her bag and when she stood up she noticed he took a quick peek down her blouse. She smiled, wondering if he noticed her champagne-colored bra. “I should probably be principled and say no and trudge out to the bus stop, but you should know by now that’s not who I am. I’d love a ride. A ride home that is.”
He chuckled. “Aye, Jannie. I think I know a bit about ya now.”
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