
My book is still with my beta readers, about 1/3 have finished it. I’ve reached out to several editors and they are going to proof a section of my book and get back to me with both their edits and recommendations of what type of editing I need. Copy editing is more thorough and looks at more novel/writing details than grammer, spelling etc. It’s also more expensive by several hundred dollars. I guess this is what I’m using my stimulus on, thanks Biden.

Currently I’m working on multiple fronts (because WHY NOT):

Doing all the things to get Faire’s Fair ready for publishing.

A reader magnet for the end of Faire’s Fair that will take you back to a pivotal point in both my lead characters lives.

A short story that has the potential to be a future paranormal / romance. That will likely be something I throw up on my website just for fun at some point. Maybe I’ll get some feedback on it being interesting enough to pursue-

Plus my usual mental planning on five future books… and hoping to have time to write them!